卢卡斯 队报






南非世界杯已近尾声,也到了一个强强对话的阶段,世界杯的各大奖项将花落谁家一定成为球迷们现在最为关心的问题。 下面就向大家介绍一下令人神往的世界杯各奖项。 At the end of each FIFA World Cup final tournament, several awards are attributed to the players and teams which have distinguished from the rest, in different aspects of the game.每届世界杯比赛结束后,国际足联都会向在不同领域表现突出的球员和球队颁发奖项。 金球奖 Golden BallThe Golden Ball award is presented to the best player at each FIFA World Cup finals, with a shortlist drawn up by the FIFA technical committee and the winner voted for by representatives of the media. Those who finish as runners-up in the vote receive the Adidas Silver Ball and Bronze Ball awards as the second and third most outstanding players in the tournament respectively.世界杯金球奖用来颁发给每届世界杯的最佳球员,由国际足联技术委员会提供候选名单,并由媒体代表票选得出。 评选中的第二、三名分别获得阿迪达斯银球奖和铜球奖。 (由于该奖项是由阿迪达斯公司出资赞助,因此冠以Adidas的名称。 )金靴奖 Golden BootThe Golden Boot Award goes to the top goalscorer of the FIFA World Cup. The award was introduced at the 1930 World Cup.世界杯最佳射手将获得金靴奖,于1930年世界杯首次颁发。 Since 1994, if there is more than one player with the same amount of goals, the tie-breaker goes to the player who has contributed the most assists. If there is still more than one player, the tie-breaker goes to the player who has played the least amount of time.自1994年以来,如果有两位球员进球数相同,那么将按照球员的助攻次数作为评选依据。 如果仍不分胜负,那么比赛时间最短的球员将获得金靴。 Silver and Bronze Boots have been awarded since 1982.自1982年世界杯以来,还对进球数的第二、三名球员颁发银靴奖和铜靴奖。 世界杯雅辛奖/最佳门将 Yashin AwardThe Yashin Award for the best goalkeeper is named in honour of the late goalkeeper Lev Yashin (USSR). The FIFA Technical Study Group recognizes the top goalkeeper of the tournament based on the players performance throughout the final competition. Although goalkeepers have this specific award for their position, they are still eligible for the Golden Ball as well, as when Oliver Kahn was awarded in 2002.雅辛奖用来奖励世界杯最佳门将,以已故门将雅辛(前苏联)的名字命名。 国际足联技术研究小组根据世界杯决赛阶段比赛中门将的表现评出此奖。 除最佳门将外,守门员仍然可以角逐金球奖,例如2002年的(德国门将)奥利弗•卡恩。 最佳新秀 Best Young Player AwardThe Best Young Player award was awarded for the first time at the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany and given to Germanys Lukas Podolski. The award is given to the best player in the tournament who is at most 21 years old. The election took place on FIFAs official World Cup website with the help of The FIFA Technical Study Group.2006年德国世界杯上首次颁发了最佳新秀奖,获奖者为德国队的卢卡斯·波多尔斯基。 最佳新秀奖用来奖励世界杯赛中21岁及以下的最佳球员。 这项评选在国际足联世界杯官方网站上开展,国际足联技术研究小组予以协助。 公平竞赛奖 FIFA Fair Play TrophyThe FIFA Fair Play Trophy is given to the team with the best record of fair play during the World Cup final tournament. Only teams that qualified for the second round are considered. The winners of this award earn the FIFA Fair Play Trophy, a diploma, a fair play medal for each player and official, and $50,000 worth of football equipment to be used for youth development.国际足联公平竞赛奖颁发给世界杯决赛阶段比赛最公平的球队。 只有进入第二轮比赛的球队才有资格参评。 获奖者将荣获国际足联公平竞赛奖杯、一张证书、每位球员和球队获得一个公平竞赛奖牌、以及支持青少年足球发展的价值5万美元的足球器材。 最具观赏性球队 Most Entertaining TeamThe FIFA Award for the Most Entertaining Team is a fairly new accolade for the FIFA World Cup. It is a subjectively awarded prize for the team which has done the most to entertain the public with a positive approach to the game. The award is always organized through public participation in a poll. Recent awards have been determined by an Internet vote which may not fairly and accurately represent fan demographics.最具观赏性球队是世界杯近些年开始颁发的一个奖项。 这个奖项的评选非常具有主观性,用来奖励在比赛中积极打拼、尽力踢出漂亮足球的球队,一般由公众票选得出。 近几届的奖项由网络投票得出,但对那些球迷人数少的球队来说也许不公平。 全明星阵容 All-Star TeamThe All-Star Team, currently named after its current sponsor MasterCard All-Star Team, is a team of the best 23 players, chosen by FIFAs technical study group, from the World Cup Finals. The number of players was expanded from 11 to 16 at the 1998 finals, and then to the current 23. Before 1998, journalists and experts chose a Dream Team with outstanding players from each playing position. The teams were chosen mostly by European and South American journalists.“万事达卡全明星阵容”目前以其赞助商的名字命名,由国际足联技术研究小组在世界杯决赛阶段比赛期间挑选23位最佳球员组成。 在1998年世界杯中,球员人数从11人扩充到16人,目前已发展壮大至23人。 在1998年前,记者和专家会从参赛各队中选出“梦之队”,大部分评选者为欧洲和南美的记者。 地址在:


“星球大战”不仅仅是一部电影 - 它是一种生活方式,一个宗教,一个商品销售帝国



由Howard Chaykin绘制,并于1976年在漫画展和漫画书店发行,宣传“新希望 ”第二年的发行。 据说只印了一千件。

《星球大战》中最具标志性和再版的形象,以Tom Jung的作品为特色。

《星球大战》巩固了好莱坞大片的地位,同时也普及了迭代式海报营销,在整个广告宣传活动中,不同的版本都会被展示出来,以保持消费者的兴趣。 第二个新希望海报在可识别度方面可与第一个相媲美。

《星球大战4:新希望》的海报,Drew Struzan早期的特色,他是一位艺术家,这位艺术家在后来的几十年里成为乔治卢卡斯电影的代名词





由罗杰·卡斯特尔(Roger Kastel)绘制的《帝国》海报强调了Han和莱娅公主短暂注定的恋情。

汤姆·荣格(Tom Jung)画的海报《帝国反击战》

佐野和彦(Kazuhiko Sano)绘制了《绝地归来》(1983)的拼贴画”主海报。

《伊沃克大冒险》是一部1984年的电视电影( a made-for-TV movie),它以《勇敢的马队:伊渥克历险记》在国际影院上映


乔治卢卡斯花了数百万元重新编写的原始三部曲,并在1997年初发布了一个月之后,将它们记为特别版。 Struzan这位以“印第安纳·琼斯第一号海报艺术家”而闻名,他在这里继续与卢卡斯合作。



《星球大战前传1:幽灵的威胁》(1999)的 第一个传情海报,是“星球大战”特许时代中期十分抢眼的作品之一。




根据《阿斯报》报道, 马竞三位队长昨日与卢卡斯进行了交流,他们希望说服卢卡斯留下,但是法国国脚的去意已决。 《阿斯报》称在 昨日的联赛赛前,戈丁、科克和格里兹曼三人与卢卡斯进行了交流,三位队长希望能够改变卢卡斯的想法,但是就如近些天的情况一样,法国后卫的回应依旧冰冷。 西媒称 更衣室目前的感觉就是卢卡斯去意已决,他和第三方已经达成了共识,甚至可能直接在冬窗就离开。 但是俱乐部内部不理解的一点是,在拥有现在的队内地位,以及与俱乐部计划好赛季末重新评估合同的情况下,卢卡斯的态度为何有了转变,而且当俱乐部高层询问卢卡斯时,球员并没有说实话。 不过马竞并没有放弃,床单军团将会继续尝试说服卢卡斯,如果没有办法留住法国后卫,那俱乐部的想法就是通过法律手段捍卫自己的权益,因为这次的情况中有很多隐藏的细节。

切尔西具备争冠实力但很难夺冠 他们是争四的最大热门 邓恩